Charter of the CHS Container Group
1. Introduction
This code of conduct is binding for the management and all employees of the core companies and affiliated companies of the CHS Container Group. Any business or activity conducted under the name of our company "CHS" or in connection with any company in the CHS Container Group is subject to the policies defined below. This code of conduct and thus ethical behavior represents the core of our corporate culture and part of our philosophy. We should always examine our daily work from the perspective of valid national and international laws, ethical principles and values, as well as applicable rules. The behavior and appearance of each individual employee towards colleagues, customers and business partners reflects the appearance of the entire group of companies. With this guideline, we are setting up a signpost for mutual cooperation among colleagues and business partners in a multicultural and fast-moving world. Of course, not all problems and challenges that may arise can be recorded here. The key here is to use good judgment and common sense. If you have any doubts about correct behavior, you can of course ask your supervisor for advice. Together we will then work out a solution that is based on our values and that is worth working for.
Definition of compliance
The term compliance is used below. Compliance means adhering to rules (legal provisions and internal company guidelines).
2. Principles of corporate and social responsibility
As a medium-sized group of companies, we are aware of our responsibility towards society, future generations and compliance with national and international laws. Our business activities are always in line with the interests of society and the environment. The following paragraphs briefly and concisely describe what we mean by this responsibility and what we stand for:
human rights
and laws We respect and promote compliance with internationally recognized human rights. This applies to dealings with each other, with business partners and with all people with whom we have contact in our daily work. Each individual employee is also obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate.
equality of opportunity and tolerance
We maintain equal opportunities for our employees regardless of gender, age, skin color, origin, disability, nationality or sexual orientation. We respect different religions and political convictions, as long as these are based on a free democratic basic order and tolerance towards those who think differently. We reject any form of discrimination or discrimination against our employees, colleagues or anyone else.
Safety, Health and Environment
Safety at work, the maintenance and promotion of health in the office, in logistics or production, the performance and job satisfaction of our employees and the minimization of environmental pollution are central requirements of our entrepreneurial activities and of each individual employee. All employees are therefore expected to comply with safety regulations and be aware of the dangers during their daily work. As an industrial company, we consider the protection of the environment and all associated measures to be desirable.
integrity behavior
The personal integrity of each employee is a firm foundation of our group of companies. Because only through conscious, personal behavior and actions against the background of one's own convictions and values can the image of the CHS Container Group be shown, which reflects honesty, openness and seriousness.
3. Conduct towards competitors, officials and business partners
The CHS Container Group does not tolerate corruption. In addition, other unfair business practices of our employees or third parties commissioned by us are also meant. These will not be tolerated either.
Advantage and Bribery
We do not, directly or indirectly through a third party, accept, offer or solicit any advantage, inducement, privilege or favor that might impair the ability to make objective and fair decisions. We comply with all relevant competition law requirements. We make no arrangements or agreements that affect conditions or prices. Fair competition is therefore not restricted by us in any impermissible way. Intangible and material donations to public officials, employees or agents of state institutions, political parties, their representatives, politicians, elected officials and candidates for political offices and their relatives are strictly prohibited. Excluded from this are business meals, within the usual framework and promotional gifts of low value. In addition to this, every employee must always get an idea of the individual regulations of the respective public institution. Ambiguous or compromising situations in which employees make any commitments to third parties will not be tolerated. The CHS Container Group expects its employees to exercise sound judgment and a high degree of responsibility.
business relationships
We do not see ourselves as just a supplier or service provider to our customers - we strive for a long-term partnership that is characterized by openness and sincerity. No matter what requirements our customers place on us, we see it as our task not only to develop safe and effective solutions, but rather to create a solution with sustainable added value for our customers. However, we only enter into a business partnership where our fundamental values are also reflected. We protect the data and know-how that our partners and customers entrust to us with the same care as our own. The same naturally also applies to our suppliers. Here, too, we strive for a partnership-based business relationship based on honesty, trust and commitment. In addition, we expect our suppliers to also work according to the specified values and measures that we live with in our code of conduct.
4. Behavior of our employees
The CHS Container Group expects its employees to assume responsibility within the scope of their tasks, to show initiative and to learn from mistakes.
Confidentiality and handling of information
All internal, confidential and proprietary information about the business activities of CHS Container Group is subject to the requirement of secrecy. This also applies to all information from our business partners that is not publicly communicated. You will be protected by us in accordance with legal and contractual requirements. The same applies to information about our business partners. Knowledge of this information may only be used by the employees and bodies of CHS Container Group for operational purposes and not for their own benefit or passed on to third parties. In this context, third parties may also be friends, acquaintances, family members or employees and colleagues of CHS Container Group, who do not need to have any (official) knowledge of the information in question. Information that is subject to a confidentiality agreement may not be passed on to third parties without permission. The information must be treated sensitively and stored securely. The details are regulated by the content of the respective agreements. Strict secrecy must be maintained about all confidential information both during and after the end of the employee's employment period. To this end, every employee signs a non-disclosure agreement together with the employment contract.
Conflicts of Interest and Outside Employment
We avoid situations in which the personal or own financial interests of employees and bodies (directly or indirectly through related persons or companies) collide with the interests of CHS Container Group or our business partners. The interests of the CHS Container Group must not be adversely affected in conflict situations. The compatibility of work and family remains unaffected. Holdings in competitors or business partners, as well as sideline activities, must not entail the risk of a conflict of interest. The supervisor must be informed of any actual or suspected conflict of interest. In principle, the CHS Container Group is open to sideline activities for our employees. However, it also applies here that the secondary activity must be reported to the supervisor and approved by him. In addition, the CHS Container Group encourages its employees to get involved in social issues in public functions, citizens' initiatives or associations. Of course, this commitment must not conflict with the legitimate interests of the CHS Container Group.
invitations and gifts
In connection with their work for the CHS Container Group, our employees and bodies may accept and issue invitations within the framework of internal regulations. Entertainment must be reasonable and not given with the expectation of improper consideration or favoritism. The same applies to the granting and acceptance of gifts and other benefits or benefits of any kind.
5. Handling Company Property, Insider Trading and Privacy
Protection of corporate assets
Every employee of CHS Container Group is obliged to protect company property against loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized use. Devices, inventory, vehicles, office supplies, documents, files, data carriers of the company may not be used for private purposes unless this is expressly permitted by a special agreement.
insider trading
Should employees of the CHS Container Group receive insider information from listed companies in the course of their business activities (e.g. in the context of project work with customers), this may not be used for personal gain. It is a violation of applicable securities laws and our group policies to possess material inside information and to disclose that information to others.
data protection
The data protection regulations applicable in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) must be strictly observed. The success of the CHS Container Group also depends on the respectful and secure handling of personal data, which requires a high level of data protection. This applies in particular to the personal data of employees, customers, business partners and third parties.
Cash transactions, unofficial tills and money laundering
Undocumented payment transactions with cash favor the criminal offense of money laundering. Payments in cash or cash checks are therefore only permitted with receipts for smaller amounts of money.
6. Implementation of the Code of Conduct
Compliance Officer
The function of compliance officer for the entire CHS Container Group is performed centrally in Bremen by Mr. Reimond Menke from the company ECOVIS MKM Menke & Kollegen GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. The compliance officer will carry out regular checks within the group of companies and check the implementation of the code of conduct. In the case of suspicion, corresponding interviews are carried out with the relevant persons. The compliance officer has the unrestricted right to inspect data in the course of specific audits or suspected cases. The applicable regulations on personal data are of course taken into account.
questions and reports
Questions about the Code of Conduct can result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and legal proceedings. All supervisors of the CHS Container Group are responsible for their subordinate area to the extent that all employees are familiar with the contents of this guideline and comply with the rules. In this respect, this Code of Conduct is considered to be an obligation under labor law. Management reserves the right to change the content of this code of conduct.
7. Compliance Officer / Contact Person
ECOVIS MKM Menke & Colleagues GmbH
auditing company Mr. Reimond Menke
Bürgerfelder Strasse 1 26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 (0)441 / 361854-211
Email: compliance-chs@ecovis.com